HMAC cryptojs client and JAVA on server

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Hi All,

We are using Crypto-js on client and Apigee Proxy and everything works fine.

We are in process of implementing JAVA HMAC on server. (using JAR fr

HMAC created by Crypto-JS and HMAC created by hmac-edge-callout.jar are different.

Please advice

0 10 3,721

you want to create or verify HMAC in the api proxy?

what do you mean by implementing JAVA HMAC on server? - are you refererring to the javacallout in the proxy?

is it the encoding? are you comparing the same encoding [hex or base64] with js and java?

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Thank you Madhavan.

I would like to verify the HMAC created in Javascript in JAVA call out .

Please find below code I use

JS code:

 apiSecret= CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(apiSecret);
 data = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(data);
// var hashSign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA512(data, apiSecret);
 var hashSign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA512(data, apiSecret).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex);

JAVA Code:

         Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance(javaizedAlg);
            SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(signingKey.getBytes(), javaizedAlg);
            byte[] hmacBytes = hmac.doFinal(stringToSign.getBytes("UTF-8"));
            String sigHex = Hex.encodeHexString(hmacBytes);
            String sigB64 = Base64.encodeBase64String(hmacBytes);





then hashSIgn should be == sigHex, is it not the case?

please find below code which we use in the java call out. hmac.alg SHA-512 hmac.javaizedAlg HmacSHA512

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <JavaCallout async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="JC-Verify-HMAC"> <DisplayName>JC Verify HMAC</DisplayName> <Properties> <!-- name of the variable that holds the key //{verifyapikey.verify-api-key.client_secret}--> <Property name="key">{verifyapikey.verify-api-key.client_secret}</Property> <Property name="algorithm">SHA-512</Property> <Property name="string-to-sign"> {request.verb}{client.scheme}://{}{message.uri}{request.content}{request.header.merchantId}{request.header.Nonce}{request.header.timestamp}</Property> <Property name="hmac-base64">{request.header.Authorization}</Property> <Property name="debug">true</Property> </Properties> <FaultRules> <FaultRule name="rule1"> <Step> <Name>RF-invalid-hmac</Name> </Step> <Condition>hmac.error != null</Condition> </FaultRule> </FaultRules> <ClassName>com.apigee.callout.hmac.HmacCreatorCallout</ClassName> <ResourceURL>java://hmac-edge-callout1.jar</ResourceURL> </JavaCallout>

Sorry about it. We are using SHA 512. in the call out we are sending the HMAC as authorization header and sigHex is not matching the Authorization header.


Can you please send me sample code which works on Crypto-js . May be iam doing wrong.


> secret = c.enc.Utf8.parse('abcd')
{ words: [ 1633837924 ], sigBytes: 4 }
> data = c.enc.Utf8.parse('abcd')
{ words: [ 1633837924 ], sigBytes: 4 }
> c.HmacSHA512(data,secret).toString(c.enc.Hex)
> c.HmacSHA256(data,secret).toString(c.enc.Hex)


		Mac hmac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");

		SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec("abcd".getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");


        byte[] hmacBytes = hmac.doFinal("abcd".getBytes("UTF-8"));

        System.out.println( bytesToHex(hmacBytes));

just make sure, the alg is 256 in both or 512 in both

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Can someone please help me.

Hey @Pradeep Ande, I took a close look at your policy, you may want to try removing the leading space on this line:

<Property name="string-to-sign"> {request.verb}...

Not applicable

@Kurt Kanaskie, That works you nailed it.. .Thank you and appreciate it...

@Mukundha Madhavan Thank you for your assistance.