Getting a list of Active Developers

A quick way of getting active developers for your organization during a given time period is to use Management API for fetching audit entries.

You’ll need to use an Epoch time converter, as the format needs to be in milliseconds, but you can call the following (replacing the ORGNAME, and the start/end times below).

But please do keep the time window as small as possible, as this operation can take some time to respond. Also, moving forward, it's better to use an auth bearer token in the curl command, rather than username & password (e.g. -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" ).

curl -v -u ADMINEMAIL:PASSW -H "Content-Type: application/content-stream" "[ORGNAME]/developers?startTime=1593561600000&endTime=1596240000000&expand=true" > developer_audit_1593561600000-1596240000000.json

This will output to a json file, which you can then filter for emails (in a Linux terminal) with:

grep -E 'requestUri.*@.*' developer_audit_1593561600000-1596240000000.json | sed  's/.*\/developers\/\(.*\)/\1/' | sed 's/\([.^\/]*\)\/.*,/\1/' | sort -u

If anyone has any other methods to list active developers, I’d be interested.

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Not applicable

By default, all developers are active in Apigee. If you have not explicitly made inactive all are active.

You can use the management api call to get the developer and use grep in unix terminal to find.

My approach would be similar to yours.

Just to clarify, I was referring to developers that have been active within a certain time period (rather than accounts that are active).

But thanks for pointing out this point of ambiguity.