Getting InvalidKeyCertPair error with bugged message: "{0}" when trying to upload a cert pair.

Not applicable

When giving (what I'm fairly certain appears to be) a valid .pem and .key archive to this route, via a curl, I get the following response:

  "code" : "messaging.config.beans.InvalidKeyCertPair",
  "message" : "Invalid Key and Cert pair. Reason : {0}",
  "contexts" : [ ]
* Closing connection 0

The only semi-helpful information is the code, but even googling that yields no helpful results. The message field seems to be bugged, unless I'm mistaken.

Can anyone offer more insight to this problem?

0 2 619

Not applicable

I am also running into same issue. @Roman Federici - did you find how can we fix this?

Did you create META-INF folder in your archive with .properties file? Also you need to rename both files to have .pem format. Please find instruction here