Getting Error while running apigee2openapi tool

Not applicable

Hi All

Here is the output when I try to run the apigee2openapi tool. I’m tunneling here hence the localhost in uri.

Base URI? http://localhost:9906

Organization? xxx

User Id? xxx

Password? *********

API Proxy Name ? xxx

Revision Number ? xxx

API Proxy End Point ? XXXr

Downloaded Bundle from Apigee: tmp//

[Error: invalid signature: 0x8080014]

{ [Error: invalid code lengths set] errno: -3, code: 'Z_DATA_ERROR' }

[Error: invalid signature: 0x8080014]

{ [Error: invalid stored block lengths] errno: -3, code: 'Z_DATA_ERROR' }

[Error: invalid signature: 0x8080014]

The bundle I can see in the tmp folder I specified at the command line and I can in fact unzip the file using gunzip on my Mint 18.1 Cinammon instance.

Can anyone please help me ?



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