Gateway pod failure in post installation validation test

Did anyone run into issue with post-installation validation after the priviate cloud installation of Edge 4.19? I had a successful installation on a 12-node 2-DC Edge. But it failed validation run and curl gateway pod check using curl -u sysAdminEmail:password http://localhost:8080/v1/servers?pod=gateway.

The error shows the following from both Management UI servers.

"code" : "registration.PodDoesNotExist", "message" : "Pod{name='gateway', region='dc-1', tags=null} does not exist", "contexts" : [ ]

I tried some reinstall and restart, but none worked. It has been puzzling me for over a month.

Thanks for any input.

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What is your MP_POD configuration option set to in the config files you used for the install? If it's not 'gateway' you'll need to modify the curl command to match.

Great point. I checked the setup configuration file and realized I named it gateway-1 for dc-1 and gateway-2 for dc2. There is no variation for the central or analytics pod. That could be the gotcha. Less me run the curl again to see if I can validate that. Thanks a lot @Christian King for your input.

Just a follow-up again, I ran the validation with gateway-1 and gateway2 on two regions, both validated fully operational. It looks like the services have been running fine, I just wasn't able to validate it correctly. You da man!!! Thanks again.