Followed "get started" tutorial in apigee doc, got charged $100 without even finishing it.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

So, I wanted to take a look at what Apigee was, so I came to the get-starting page:


Then I scrolled down and clicked this link:


Which took me to this "before you begin" page:


I clicked the "pay as you go" because it made sense - just doing a helloworld, won't need to pay much, right? Also the "provisioning method" was "Google Cloud console". I'm new, so I wanted to use the console, not the CLI.

Then I got to this page, and I clicked this button:


Then I got to this page, and I clicked this button:


Then I followed some steps, and clicked "create", and was surprised to find it would take 1 hour to set up, so I left and forgot about it.

Then I got charged $100, without even deploying an API:


I went to Billing in the console, in the "Reports" I could see the fee was generated by the new apigee test project I made, but no details can be seen in the "Cost table" or "Cost breakdown" section.

My "support plan" doesn't allow me to contact billing support in person, so I'm posting here. I believe the whole thing seems pretty crazy?

0 3 186

It appears that Google offers free billing support ... have you had a chance to look at this page and follow through on some of the links?

Thanks, I was finally able to get in touch with support. (There was a very non-intuitive button of "contact billing support" inside the chat support UI which doesn't look like a button, so I didn't know it was clickable when I first saw it)

Hi @ZY ,

Have a look here for some examples of PAYG pricing. PAYG offers no upfront commitment and pay only for what you use, however it is not serverless, i.e. you pay for:

  • The number of Apigee gateway nodes in the Apigee organization
  • The number of API requests processed by Apigee Analytics services
  • The amount of network usage

The billing rate for nodes is $1.025 per Apigee gateway node per hour, so if you set up your organization and leave it running ready to accept API calls, you will incur costs. Have a look here for information on how to discontinue PAYG consumption. An Apigee Evaluation organization may be a better fit for you at this time, have a look here for more details.