Failed to startup Cassandra

These are the errors seen in the catalina-deamon.out

2016-04-15 15:36:54,297 ERROR (JobSchedulerService RUNNING) [org.apache.usergrid.batch.service.JobSchedulerService] - Scheduler run failed, error is
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HUnavailableException: : May not be enough replicas present to handle consistency level.

2016-04-15 15:37:01,570 WARN ( [me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.CassandraHostRetryService] - Downed apigee-rmp1(xx.xx.xx.xx):9160 host still appears to be down: Unable to open transport to apigee-rmp1(xx.xx.xx.xx):9160 , Connection refused 
0 1 555

This issue is because one of the Cassandra nodes in the ring was down.

Run the below command on one of the Cassandra nodes:

Location (on-premise) : /opt/apigee4/share/apache-cassandra/bin

Command: nodetool -h localhost ring