Facing error while creating the database in Postgres while installing the APIGEE-SSO.

Hello Team,

I am trying to install SSO. But facing error at creating the database step.

[SETUP STAGE] (1/5): Creating database ( IF NOT EXIST ) for "apigee-sso"
Checking for required variables
Checking required variable PG_PWD...OK
Checking required variable PG_USER...OK
Checking required variable PG_HOST...OK
Checking required variable PG_PORT...OK

Checking for optional variables
Found optional variable SSO_PG_DB_NAME...OK
Failed to create "database1" database
Please make sure postgres configuration provided is correct:
PG_HOST="##########", PG_PORT="5432", PG_USER="apigee", PG_PWD=*not_logged_here*.
Error: setup.sh: /opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service exited with unexpected status 1

I am able to login with the credentials I am using in the configfile. Did anyone fast the same issue I am facing PG_PWD=*not_logged_here*.

If any anyone can help it will be more helpful.

Thanks and Regards,

Leela Venkata Manoj Itha

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Not applicable

I am also facing the same issue. Any solution?