Export data from Apigee analytics Dashboard

Hi Team,

I am trying to fetch few fields from the Apigee analytics dashboard through Postman get call. The Url goes like this,

 https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/'org name'/e/'env name'/stats/apis?select=avg(target_response_time),sum(message_count),avg(total_response_time),sum(target_error),avg(response_processing_latency)&filter=(proxy_pathsuffix eq 'pathsuffixname')&timeRange=01/31/2024 14:26~01/31/2024 15:26&timeUnit=day

The data i am receiving in the postman and that in dashboard has slight difference in numbers (if message count, then difference of 96 or 100 messages, if time then 50ms difference). The postman value is always more.

Any idea why this difference would exist?

1 2 80

@dchiesa1 , any suggestions on this?

Look for the specific time ranges add exact seconds there in stats request call, it might help in your case, 

timeRange=01/31/2024 14:26:00~01/31/2024 15:26:59

Also in the response look for which table it is used, most cases dashboard will use aggregate table, and stats API call use fact table, so keep specific time range which might help you

"metaData": {
"errors": [],
"notices": [
"query served by:95f75a38-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-41cfc85cdfdb",
"source pg:fe770d29-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-6b3cf7a77f15",
"Table used: orgname.env.agg_api"