Existing Developer App - Update callbackURL without updating/changing clientID/Secret

Not applicable

I Wanted to updated the callbackURL of my existing Developer App using the API's without updating (creating new) ClientID/Secret -

1) I saw below API but this add new client/Secret to each update to the existing Developer App


2) I also explored the below API, which only update Product's and custom attributes without effecting the existing clientID/Secret but we cannot use this API to update the callbackURL -


Is any API available using which I can update the callbackURL of the existing developer App without updating clientID/Secret OR Any work-around ?

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I think you can just POST to the app URL. It will act like a PATCH. You need to specify the properties you want to update, along with the name (I believe).

POST :mgmtserver/v1/o/:org/developers/:developer/apps/:APPNAME
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: :apigee-auth

  "attributes": [ { "name" : "attr1", "value": "value1"} ],
  "apiProducts": [ "helloworld" ],
  "callbackUrl" : "https://foo.bar/bam",
  "name" : ":APPNAME"

I think that should work. If not that exactly, then ... something similar to that. Try it out.

Thanks .. It works