Error updating developer on Apigee X

Hi all,

I am getting the following error when I try to update Developers details or adding Developers attribute through Apigee X UI.

code: "rest.interceptor.name_mismatch"
message: "Developer update : resource name 07fdb7ad-6074-4099-161c-65bf7a211bc2 in the url doesnot match with the name in the request payload"

I am seeing this error on network tab on my browser, there is no error shown on frontend, simply attributes are not added neither any developer detail can be updated. Anyone has seen similar issue?

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you should share the actual payload request and API endpoint, but it seems that dev uuid not matching body request

I am trying to update/add attribute through Apigee X UI, I am not calling any API endpoint. Here's the payload that is sent


I have been able to reproduce this on my own Apigee X test account. Will file this with the team and follow up here. Thanks for raising this.

Hi, I'm Vijay, on the engineering team at Apigee. Thanks for reporting this.

The team is working on resolving the UI/Devportal issue for update of developer.

The workaround is to make use of the public api to update the developer

Please make use of this api until the issue is resolved.

The issue is now resolved