Error sending SmartDocs API request from Dev Portal (IE only)

Not applicable

When we execute one of our POST methods (SmartDocs) via Google Chrome, it works but when we use Internet Explorer, we get a 500 error.

I looked at the request via Fiddler and the requests line up except for the User Agent (IE vs Chrome). When I replay the IE request using Fiddler composer and change only the User Agent value to match Chrome, it works and I get a 200.

By the way, the 500 error response from IE.

{"fault":{"faultstring":"Execution of BuildTargetAPIRequest failed with error: Javascript runtime error: \"TypeError: Cannot read property \"length\" from null (buildTargetAPIRequest_js#39). at line 39 \"","detail":{"errorcode":"steps.javascript.ScriptExecutionFailed"}}}
4 8 635

Hi Mike - still experiencing this problem? ( @Mike Ison )

The problem is occurring in the Smartdocs API proxy, on the server side. This is not an error that is occurring in IE itself, though it seems like IE has something to do with it.

I'm looking at the code right now..... It looks like there is a missed error check at that point in the code. Basically it's assuming that a regex match on the user-agent string is going to succeed, and it is not succeeding.

Let me look into getting this rectified.

Are you seeing this on the Edge public cloud? or private cloud? I may have a quick-ish workaround for you.

Thanks for responding Dino.

Yes, we are still experiencing the issue. So currently, we just tell our users to use Chrome or Firefox or Microsoft Edge but we don't really want to continue doing that.

We are using Edge public cloud. Any suggestions at this point would be much appreciated.

Thanks again!

ok, let me look into it and get back to you, probably tomorrow.

@Dino, any luck?

@Mike Ison - Sorry for the extensive delay! Inexcusable. This just completely slipped off my radar. In any case, yes, there's a problem on the Edge side. Apparently the IE11 User agent string is different and it is leading Edge to treat IE11 as a not-JS enabled browser. We're working on correcting this. stay tuned.

@Birute Awasthi - FYI.

I'm facing the same issue in IE now and please let me know if this could be fixed.

I'm trying to send requests from developer portal from IE and I'm getting 400 Bad requests. Even while trying to trace it using management portal, I'm unable to trace the requests from IE. It's working fine using Chrome or Edge.



I believe this is now fixed. We tested it last week and it was working from IE. Thanks.

It seems that this is happening again. Did the code that fixed this get overwritten?