Error Code Analysis dashboard

Hi guys quick question,

What is the difference between Proxy error and Target error, and what is the difference between Proxy Error 4xx and 5xx to Target Error 4xx and 5xx


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In Error Code Analysis dashboard Target Errors would show HTTP 4xx and 5xx responses raised by Target Endpoints and Proxy Errors would show HTTP 4xx and 5xx responses raised by API proxies. This would allow us to identify the source which generated the errors.

More information on this can be found on the below documentation page:

Hi @Imesh Gunaratne, Im a bit confused about the Proxy error 4xx and 5xx, Target error 4xx and 5xx, According to this Link given in the documentation, 4xx means in Client error and 5xx means Server error. So if the Proxy Error is in the API-Proxy level then it has 5xx it means what ? then for the Target Error is in the BackendTarget has 4xx error what does it mean ?