Encountering error while following Apigee tutorial

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I am following the tutorial


When I get to step 4.9, I encounter the following error:

Server Error.

Error occurred while validation of bean default.xml. Reason: - Schema 
validation failed. Cause : unexpected element (uri:"", local:"ProxyEndPoint"). Expected elements are <{}APIProxy>,<{}APIProxyRevisions>,<{}AccessControl>,<{}AccessEntity>,<{}Admin>,<{}Alert>,<{}Allow>,....

Here is my proxies\default.xml

<ProxyEndPoint name="default">
        <Flow name="forecast">
             (proxy.pathsuffix MatchesPath "/forecastrss") and 
                  (request.verb = "GET")
    <RouteRule name="default">

Here is my targets\default.xml

<TargetEndpoint name="default">

Please help.



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Hi @ritwik_chatterjee

You are getting this error because of case sensitivity. Change "ProxyEndPoint" to "ProxyEndpoint", i.e. change the "P" of Point to a "p" in your first and last lines of your proxies\default.xml and you should be able to save and deploy.

View solution in original post


Hi @ritwik_chatterjee

You are getting this error because of case sensitivity. Change "ProxyEndPoint" to "ProxyEndpoint", i.e. change the "P" of Point to a "p" in your first and last lines of your proxies\default.xml and you should be able to save and deploy.

Thanks. I knew I was making a silly mistake, but was not able to figure it out myself.

You're very welcome and thank you for using the tutorial and asking your question. I'm sure others will benefit from this as well.

hey, i just want to share my fixed case ,i had the same error when deployment a proxy with Monitization Limit Check policy, in the logs i found this "Marshal failure javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"MonetizationLimitsCheck")"

we have 6 message processers so i found out that not all of them has monetization installed, so i installed the monetization on all missing message processors and issue fixed and the deployment worked.

Thanks, this will be helpful!