Edge Microgateway - Error in Configuration Step

Not applicable


I'm trying to install the Edge Microgateway latest version 2.5.16. After installation, the configuration step is failing with the below error.

edgemicro configure -o ***** -e test -r {custom_url} -u {email} -d


current nodejs version is v6.10.3

current edgemicro version is 2.5.16


file doesn't exist, setting up

listdeployments: {"organization":"*****","environment":"test","baseuri":"https://api.enterprise.apigee.com","debug":true,"username":"*****","password":{},"asynclimit":4}

Going to invoke "https://api.enterprise.apigee.com/v1/o/*****/e/test/deployments"

List of deployed APIs: {"aPIProxy":*********************************************}

All done

Error: From should be a file or directory

at /opt/apigee_micro_gtw/apigee-edge-micro-2.5.16/node_modules/cpr/lib/index.js:294:29

at /opt/apigee_micro_gtw/apigee-edge-micro-2.5.16/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:284:29

at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:123:15)

I could not find any options in the configure command to specify From/To config file values. Any information regarding this error would be helpful.


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Former Community Member
Not applicable

can you please paste the entire exception stack?

Hi Srinandan,

With the -d (debug) option, i could see only the exception logs pasted above. In edgemicro package.json, the node version is mentioned as 9.4.0 as below.

"_nodeVersion": "9.4.0"

The current version in our server is 6.10.3. Does it need to be upgraded?