Drupal 8 portal against a trial account


I have deployed a Drupal8 developer portal on Pantheon and connecting this to a trial account on Apigee edge. This is purely for experimenting with the portal.

The portal is synced against the apigee edge environment and I can login as the helloworld user onto the portal and view the helloworld application that is associated with the user. I have also managed to change the email address of this user and that has been reflected on apigee edge trial account. I can also deactivate the developer on apigee edge and the portal recognises this. When I click on the application and the edit tab, the portal complains 'Developer with id [<<email address>> does not exist'. I cannot work out why this is happening.

On a related issue, I am also able to create new user on the portal and activate this. Once I have changed the password and login as the new user, I can click on the 'Apps' menu. When I try to add a new App, I get the same message as above.

Is this due to any restrictions on trial account on Apigee edge?

All of this appears to work on our actual site - however I want to keep this experimentation away from our nonprod environments.

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I don't think app and developer updates work any differently on trial and paid orgs. Best way to debug this would to enable "apigee_edge_debug" and then look at the watchdog logs to capture more about the request and response for the corresponding MGMT api calls. Also please free to log this in the github issue queue for Apigee edge drupal module: https://github .com/apigee/apigee-edge-drupal

Where/how do I enable "apigee_edge_debug"? Where can I view the watchdog logs? On edge, I only see option to view "audit logs" under admin.

You can enable "apigee_edge_debug" module in your D8 portal by navigating to admin/modules on Devportal ( not on edge). Watchdog logs can be accessed by navigating to admin/reports/dblog.

Great. I have used that before and forgot it existed. This issue was because I have included monetisation modules in the portal

Now leads me to the next question. Is there any way of enabling monetisation for trial accounts?

I do not want to experiment on our proper site and since we have monetisation on it, I want to be able to see how this works through the Drupal8 portal.

Documentation article here suggests contacting Apigee support to enable monetization for your org. However documentation also calls out that monetization is a paid feature so you may want to contact your Apigee rep to enquire about it.

Thanks Arun. My company already has a paid for model on which we have monetisation. I however wanted to keeps this work separate so as not to interfere with the company setup. Hence the trial account. I could be mistaken, but support is also not available on trial (except this forum of course).

There are many reasons why I do not want to use our paid for account for this work. So is there any way of enabling monetization on trial accounts to give users an appreciation of how this actually works on Edge and Drupal based developer portal?

Unfortunately there is not.