Drupal 8 API Catalog: "smartdocs" request

Dear Apigee Community,

In the Drupal 8 version of the portal

(https://github.com/apigee/apigee-devportal-kickstart-drupal) how exactly are the API calls made when you hit "Execute" on the documentation page?

Apigee docs describe that smartdocs calls to the router are made on port 59002 — does the new version of the portal also make calls on port 59002? or is this a regular vhost port...?

thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

0 6 572

The Drupal 8 API Catalog module embeds SmartDocs, which makes calls directly to the API URI that comes from the OpenAPI spec. You should be able to see the call when opening up developer tools in the browser.

Thanks, Chris! so no port 59002 is involved...? The API call from the API Catalog is sent directly to the virtual host port, right?

You are welcome. The API call will be sent to whatever URL you are putting into the OpenAPI spec, so if you put 59002 it will be used, not sure what your spec has.

thanks! I got confused by this information on the "port requirements" page:


my understanding was that for SmartDocs (or API Catalog) the port 59002 is used

Ah, I see. That comment only applies to Drupal 7 Developer Portals. The Drupal 8 module makes calls directly to the API in the spec.

Great! thanks for clarifying this, Chris!