Different versions of same API Proxy deployed on same environment?

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

Hi Apigee experts,

So we have a requirement where the client would like to have on the same env of apigee 2 different versions of the same API Proxy.  The requirement is that any given time both APIs can be invoked by a client.

What might differ between the 2 versions is:

1- The Target URL is different in the 2 versions

2- Something in the logic of the API  changes (e.g. a new policy is attached)

For both 1 and 2, the only way that I'm aware of to support this is to have a different basepath for the 2 versions of the APIs. Am I missing some other alternative? 



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You are not missing anything. 

There is nothing in the Apigee configuration validation that stipulates that "only one revision of a proxy can be deployed to an environment." 

The validation is: The basepath must be unique for the environment-group. 

Therefore if you change your basepath from revision 1 to revision 2, then you can deploy both r1 and r2 to the same environment.

View solution in original post



On my side, we addressed this with multiple proxies deployed, with (as you suggested) different basepaths :

1. Proxy 1 basePath: /functionalDomain/v1

2. Proxy 2 basePath: /functionalDomain/v2

This allows us to have different API lifecycles, by keeping in mind to quickly "kill" the first version (to not have 2 versions to maintain during years...)


I've also seen another way to manage, but I really do not like it: introducing a version information in header and then manage version by policies conditions:

curl -XGET -H "x-version: 1.0" http://httpbin.org/anything
curl -XGET -H "x-version: 2.0" http://httpbin.org/anything

... but again, I do not like it, not easy to operate and maintain...



You are not missing anything. 

There is nothing in the Apigee configuration validation that stipulates that "only one revision of a proxy can be deployed to an environment." 

The validation is: The basepath must be unique for the environment-group. 

Therefore if you change your basepath from revision 1 to revision 2, then you can deploy both r1 and r2 to the same environment.