Developer portal code from pantheon

Not applicable

We have cloned Developer portal code(specific to our org) from pantheon git repository to our internal git repository and making changes there. When we push our changes to pantheon Git repo, we don't want any conflict there.

so the question is, will pantheon git repo be updated by Apigee(like patches etc) which may conflict with our changes?

How does patch update process works?

1 1 581

Great Question,

First thumb rule dealing with Apigee Developer Portal (Built on top of Drupal) , Never Hack Core. All your customizations should go into "sites/all" folder.

Apigee related upgrades / patches will go into "profiles/apigee" folder & Drupal Core. So, As long as never hack core, You shouldn't see conflicts.

Will pantheon git repo be updated by Apigee(like patches etc) which may conflict with our

changes? - NO

How does patch update process works? - Above should answer your question.

Hope it helps.