Deploy Microgateway in Kubernetes with NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = 0


Can anyone advise on how to deploy Edgemicro to Kubernetes while setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED flag to 0.

Yes I understand that this should not be done in Production, this is for a POC where the backend has a self-signed cert without a CAFile. In the Docker Build I know it is possilbe (have never tested it). But I see in the Kubernetes deployment you can only run the following: edgemicroctl -org=trial -env=test -conf=trial-test-config.yaml -svc=myservice.yaml -key=xxxx -sec=xxxx

Is it possible to maybe pass the variable from here or should it be added somewhere in the YAML?

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Hello @Etienne Dippenaar - You can try adding a line in one of your custom plugin in non-prod.

module.exports.init = function(config, logger, stats) { process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED="0";

