Custom attributes in edge micro

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Is there any way to access custom product and/or app attributes from within an edge micro plugin?

I see that at least product attributes are pulled down by `config_loader`, but they don't seem to make it through to where they can be used from within a plugin. Is there any recommended way to get at these?



0 3 292

Based on JWT attributes or apiKey attributes, Microgateway sends a subset of those for Analytics record. Assuming you are using one of those two auth mechanism, do you not see those attributes set in plugin?

I don't see them, but I'm not entirely sure where I would need to look for them. I do see that product attributes are being pulled down, but it looks like they get stripped out in config_loader.js in the `mapEdgeProducts` function, and don't make it to the plugins.

New Member

Maybe a code snippet of your plugin would be helpful.