Create New Account and reset password Gives 500 Error

Hi Team, I am trying to setup SMTP, so that while using the new Edge UI for Opdk, I could create a new account or reset password by sending the link to email.

I have put the SMTP configuration and apigee-sso in a file and installed apigee-sso successfully.
I am able to login to the New Ege UI. But when I try to create account or reset password, after entering email, I get below error: capture.jpg

I don't see any error logs in on the edge-management-ui, edge-ui and edge-management-server.

On the UI, I see the below 500 error:

Request URL: http://<SSO_Public_IP>:9099/ Request Method: POST Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error Remote Address: <SSO_Public_IP>:9099 Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Could someone help, how do I resolve this cors issue here.

Thanks & Regards,


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