Coursera - Apigee Security Course - Honors Lab - API proxy revision does not exist in env

Hello, I am trying to complete the Honors portion of the API security course on the Coursera Apigee specialization.

When I try to deploy following these instructions the deployment is successful, but later I see that my revision does not exist when it actually does. I also can not use the Trace due to a deployment error. If I undeploy and redeploy or even download the bundle and re-upload to deploy it still has the same issue. I have seen some errors saying Node JS is not available.

Please help so that I can get the Honors designation. It seems more like an Apigee issue..either that or the lab instructions are outdated.

See error:

{"fault":{"faultstring":"APIProxy revision 1 of login-app does not exist in environment test of organization aburritt27-eval","detail":{"errorcode":"messaging.runtime.ApplicationNotFound"}}}
0 3 136

@Dino-at-Google Can you or someone else help answer my question? Thank you

Hi @abur. Welcome to the Apigee community.

I noticed that the GitHub link on the npm module page leads to a 404. What error did you encounter related to Node.js? I hope you are aware that Apigee does not support Node.js targets like it did before. Refer:

Thanks for the response. If you click the first GitHub link (the homepage link) it will take you there.

The error related to Node simply said "The Node JS feature is not available".

Will the GitHub project no longer work due to Apigee not supporting those Trireme based Node projects? I am not sure whether the GitHub project falls into that category. If it is not supported are my only options to figure out how to convert the existing Node JS project to a hosted target? Sounds like Apigee made need to update its Coursera course lab instructions if that the case.