Connect Apigee from Java

How to Connect Apigee from Java Spring Boot and get all the information of the API Proxies end points .

1 7 2,061

Hi @Avdhesh Chouhan, if you want to get the API proxies details from your SpringBoot application, you can use the Apigee Management APIs.

If this is not your requirement, kindly elaborate your question.


If you are specifically looking for a Proxy Endpoint, the last time I checked I couldnt find a single API for that, so please have a look at this post .

I have created API Proxies in my APIGEE Edge ...

Lets say I created API Proxy for

and it has URL{org}/proxies/Swagger-Petstore

Now from my JAVA Spring Boot I want to call APIGEE Edge ({org}/proxies/Swagger-Petstore)

and get all the API Details like GET/PUT/POST API Endpoints details .

Any Github link or sample demo code will help .

Also I have a Free Account . Will I be able to access these services ?

My URL is http://{org}

@Avdhesh Chouhan, please don't post new comments, edit your comments if you want to add some information.

Yes, we can explore most of the Apigee features in Free Account. BTW your account is recognized by an organization name, not the URL which you mentioned in your comments.Your organization name is avdheshchouhan-eval

Once you create an API Proxy it gets deployed in either test or prod environment.

So in your Proxy Overview page, you will get the Deployment URL which is,


If you deployed Petstore and want to call GET /pet/findByStatus from Java Springboot App, you need to make a GET call in your app with below URL to get its details,{proxybasepath}/pet/findByStatus

Please watch this youtube video, Apigee - 4MV4D - OpenAPI Spec - Create API Proxy

Thanks for replying . That was not my question ....

Let me explain you by example :

Lets say we call the below end point{org}/apis/Swagger-Petstore

This return below response :

  "metaData": {
    "createdAt": 1526571138457,
    "createdBy": "",
    "lastModifiedAt": 1526571138457,
    "lastModifiedBy": "",
    "subType": "null"
  "name": "Swagger-Petstore",
  "revision": [

Is there anything in by which I can get the information like below which includes all the GET/PUT/POST


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