Company App invitation

I see that Apigee has given good Apigee Management APIs but I am not able to find anything useful for managing company app invitations. I have having some issues regarding cancelling the company app invitation and wanted to see if there is any api end point I can hit to remove the invitation. There is a way in dev portal but there is dev portal code issue I am facing which might take longer to fix.

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The remove a developer from a company API is listed on the Apigee Docs site. However, I believe you are talking about cancelling an invitation to a company? Only monetization orgs have the concept of invitations for a company.

The resource is:


Use GET with either "dev_id" or "company_id" as a query parameter to get invites.

For DELETE, use the resource with a header named "source" that contains the developer email.

If you are using the Drupal developer portal, you can turn on the "Devconnect Debug" module to see details on the API calls being made to Edge.

@Chris Novak Can we have these API calls officially documented?
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