Clone a custom report

Is there a way to clone a custom report in the Edge UI? I frequently find myself needing to make new reports based on existing ones, and I don't want to modify the existing ones. If not, is there a plan to add this feature to the roadmap?

1 1 174

Not in the UI.

You could do it with the API.

GET $mgmtserver/v1/o/$ORG/reports/59b4748c-bbc8-494b-8661-fb7a2e1ab3e2

followed by

POST $mgmtserver/v1/o/$ORG/reports
content-type: application/json

{ ... body...}

The body should be what you got from the GET, but with a few changes. Remove all the "lastModifiedBy" and "lastModified" fields and anything else like that. And also remove the "name" field - you will get a new name (uuid) generated. And change the displayName too.

The payload might look like this:

  "chartType" : "column",
  "comments" : [ ],
  "dimensions" : [ "apiproxy" ],
  "displayName" : "testReport3",
  "environment" : "prod",
  "metrics" : [ {
    "function" : "avg",
    "name" : "target_response_time"
  }, {
    "function" : "avg",
    "name" : "total_response_time"
  } ],
  "properties" : [ {
    "property" : "__ui__",
    "value" : [ {
      "name" : "description"
    }, {
      "name" : "accuracy"
    } ]
  } ],
  "sortbyCols" : [ ],
  "tags" : [ ],
  "timeUnit" : "hour"

And that will clone your existing report.

I like your idea of adding a "make a copy..." option to the UI. That would probably be handy. I've created a feature request for that. reference: b/145029074. If you want to stay apprised of the status of this, you'll need to open a support ticket and ask them to track it for you.