Classic EDGE vs New Edge - missing features

Hey there, I've noticed with the New Edge I can no longer download a CSV dump of all registered developers. This was available on the Classic Edge (under the Publish -->Developers).

Has anyone found a way to get a CSV dump of developers from New Edge?

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@David.A.Freeman ,

You can always switch to classic view in new Edge using button on bottom left navigation bar in new Edge UI.

Also, If you are using Drupal based Developer Portal, You can export developers to CSV / Excel / Other formats using or

Hope it's helpful. Keep us posted if any.


Anil Sagar

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I'll get a report from Drupal, however my guess is that will have missing attributes that I need.
There's a problem with the Classic Edge UI where it's not displaying all developers, and since there's no further engineering development on the Classic Edge UI I'd like to ensure that features that were available in Classic are built into the New Edge.