Changing the titles of user sign-in, registration, create app pages

Not applicable

I'm using a child theme off of the apigee responsive theme.

How do I change the titles of the sign-in, registration, forgot password pages as well as the create app page?

0 1 178

@Josh Peterson ,

As you know, Apigee Developer Portal is built on top of famous open source CMS drupal. You can use any 7.x drupal contributed modules to add new functionality to developer portal.

To change titles, you can use " Title Override" drupal module. Install the module in "sites/all/modules/contrib" folder & navigate to "admin/modules" page to enable same. Once enabled , naviagate to "admin/config/user-interface/to_titles" to set custom titles. Make sure you clear "Drupal Caches" by clicking on "Flush All Cahces" from admin menu after the changes.

I have verified same & it works,


