Changing Authorization to oAuth 2.0 once the proxy is ready and deployed


I have build a proxy using "Pass Through(none)" as authorization and now i would like to change it to oAuth 2.0.

Can we change Authorization to oAuth 2.0 once proxy is build using "Pass Through(none)"

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Yes, you can change it.

The Proxy Builder Wizard... is just a code generator. Think of it as a thing that builds basic scaffolding.

If you want to ADD capability to the generated proxy, the Proxy Editor allows you to do that. There's a drag-and-drop experience to allow you to add in policies. When you save a modified proxy, it automatically gets re-deployed in moments.

This short video shows you how to add API key verification to an existing proxy.

You asked for something slightly different: you want to Verify an OAuth2 access token. You'll do the same thing .. . . except instead of choosing the VerifyApiKey policy as shown in that video, you will choose the OAuth2 policy, and you'll use it to verify the access token.

How do you GET a token?

This short video shows how to implement "client credentials" token verification, and talks about token dispensing, as well.

And this is a full tutorial describing how to implement OAuth token verification with client credentials tokens, in Apigee Edge.

LMK if questions.