Cap on API usage at environment level


we are using apigee private cloud, Is it possible to put a cap on API usage at environment level ?

I have two environments deployed on one Organization and i would like to limit the no of api calls per sec on one of the environments if it exceeds a limit.

Thank you,


0 2 175

Limit, Like with a Quota policy?

Have you tried that?

If you set the identifier to "" it would apply across the entire environment.

Or you could use Spike Arrest if you are concerned about load spikes.

Not applicable

Quota with the identifier as does work as per requirement. The quota policy can look as below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Quota async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Quota-1">
    <Allow count="20"/>
    <Identifier ref=""/>

You can put the quota at the product or developer or developer app level. The identifier needs to be the same.