Can we use Edge router nginx shared as a load balancer for BaaS Stack?

Not applicable

Hi Team,

A customer using Edge/BaaS Private Cloud wants to know whether Edge nginx router can be used also as a load balancer in front of BaaS Stack instead of using BaaS Portal nginx for it.

Please advise me whether or not this is a possible use case.

If it's the case, can we just add nginx conf.d file as follows under '/opt/apigee/edge-router/nginx/conf.d/'?

upstream stack {
server stack1;
server stack2;
server {
listen 10.XX.40.10:XXXX; server_name;
location / {
proxy_pass http://stack;
And are there any rules in writing this file like naming convention or any restrictions?


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Maybe @Maudrit or @Christin Brown ( @Christin ?) know the answer.

@Toshihiro Shibamoto this is not an approach I would recommend, Edge proxies the requests to BaaS and then the BaaS nginx balances across the ES and BaaS instances.

@Christin BrownThank you for the answer. Could you elaborate the reason why it's not recommended? Is that because BaaS nginx is required always for ES and BaaS instead of bypassing it?

@Toshihiro Shibamoto why the approach?, not to use the DC Load Balancer.

Even if you use Edge Routers (nginx) as Load Balancer you will need two or more for HA. That mean that in front of nginx you will need another LB.

Thanks @Maudrit for the response. As it's not clear for me, please let me ask.
The customer has two nginx routers and can be configured them for HA just like abp nginx for load balancing of BaaS Stack. Or, are there any reasons why these Edge router nginx cannot be shared for replacing the BaaS portal nginx - is it something related to the config of ES components, impacts to router traffic, difficulty in issue cause identification, maintenance, etc.?