Can i Create Dynamic KVM specific for product?

Can I create Kvm From my code?

it will be a list

Code Name Password
1 1 1
2 2 2

above data should in one kvm

also, I want to create this kvm for my specific product not for all.

also i want some of data must be encrypted.

I also want to create this KVm dynamically by code so i can manage by my application not from APIgee.

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Can I create Kvm From my code?

Well it depends on what you mean by "create Kvm" and "my code".

If "create Kvm" means insert an entry into an existing KVM

  • if "my code" refers to policy logic that runs within the context of an API request, then: You can use the KeyValueMapOperations policy to PUT data into an existing Key-Value Map.
  • if "my code" refers to administrative code that invokes the Admin API, then yes, you can update the KVM with an HTTP PUT.

If "create Kvm" means create a new Map, then

  • If "my code" refers to policy logic, then no.
  • if "my code" refers to code that runs outside of an API request and invokes the Admin API for Apigee Edge, then yes. You can create a Map with a POST.

also i want some of data must be encrypted.

There are two kinds of KVM: encrypted and non-encrypted. You cannot have a single KVM that encrypts some data and does not encrypt other data. If you like you can encrypt your own data via Java or Javacript and store that into a non-encrypted KVM.

I also want to create this KVm dynamically by code

There are API docs that describe how to create and update Key Value Maps. Also there are wrapper libraries for nodejs, golang, and Powershell (get it on the powershell gallery, or grab the original source code from github) that you can use to accomplish the same.