Can Apigee automatically notify developers whenever changes take place in APIs ?

Not applicable

If some changes are made in published APIs, developers should be notified about that change. I'm wondering if Apigee can send notifications to developers whenever changes occur.

0 8 936

What kind of API changes are you thinking of?

With large API changes that warrant a version change, Normally this kind of notification is done explicitly through the Developer Portal.

When there is a change like this, your API team would author a short blog post, summarizing the changes and linking to full documentation. When you publish an article on the Drupal-based Apigee Edge portal, you have the option to then send a notification, including a link to the post, to all registered users.

Does that sound like what you want?

Hi @Dino

What if I don't have drupal based developer portal. I found it difficult to find the product name of a proxy resource and get the corresponding developer name for the product using management api. Can you please put some light on the implementation?



Hi @Dino,

I am looking for sending notification from Drupal portal. Can you suggest me from where I can find that link [ which you suggested in your comment -"When you publish an article on the Drupal-based Apigee Edge portal, you have the option to then send a notification, including a link to the post, to all registered users." ]

If possible just provide any tutorial link. Thanks in Advance

Do you have a build street enabled for your environment ? Which deploys proxies using APIGEE's maven plugin. If yes then in your build street you can plugin capability to invoke webhooks to push notifications as emails or on a slack channel etc.

@snehal chakraborty - @decooliveira is referring to the Application developers who are consuming the APIs. I believe you are suggesting for the API developers


The feature is not available in the platform out of the box. However you can write a script using the Management APIs to get the information of the developer. Goes like this

As part of the API program, once an API is modified or changed, the product team should know which products that API belongs to.

Once you have that info - you can get the information of the developer app using the following curl command

curl -X GET \
  'https://{host}/v1/o/{org}/apiproducts/{productName}?query=list&entity=apps' \
  -H 'authorization: Basic {auth}' 

This will return you the JSON array of developer app ids. For more info on this API - check this link

To get the Developer app details, the following curl

curl -X GET \
  https://{host}/v1/o/{org}/apps/{appId} \
  -H 'authorization: Basic {auth}' 

More info on the API can be found here. In the response, you will find a developerId

Once you have the developer Id, to get the developer email, run the following curl

curl -X GET \
  https://{host}/v1/organizations/{org}/developers/{developerId} \
  -H 'authorization: Basic {auth}' 

More info here

By running the above sequence, you can get the list of developer apps and developers configured to use your product. Once you have the list, you can notify them about the same

Hope this helps !

Is there any similar Management APIs for Apigee X?

Yes, the APIs for X work the same way as they did for Apigee Edge.  The endpoint for X (and hybrid) is The home page for the documentation for the REST interface is here.  The documentation specifically for the call to GET the detail of a developer based on developer ID, is here. So, for X, it would look like this: 

TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
curl -X GET -H "authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \{org}/developers/{developerId} 

And I guess you'd be able to figure out the other calls.