Build & Deploy multiple API proxies using Maven Deployment Plugin

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I have few questions related to Apigee Maven Deployment plugin as follows :

1) How the Maven Plugin can be used to deploy multiple API Proxies at once ?

2) Is there any way to run the JMeter / soapUI tests after successful deployment of the API Proxies ?

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Also is there any option where the API proxy bundles will be uploaded to Maven repository? Or this plugin is designed only to deploy the API Proxy into Edge ?

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Hi Swapnil Raverkar

Let me try to answer your first question and the question in your comment.

I suggest you to use jenkins with your maven deployment plugin rather than deploy them from local directly.

I think as long as you configure the pom properly, it could handle multiple API proxies deployment, if not the workaround could be setup multiple jenkins jobs for each API proxy, and trigger them one by one.

in terms of code/artifact management, you could release/tag the zip file in your maven repo for each version.

I have done similar practise before, but unfortunately, I couldn't find the code to give you an example.

Regarding the second question, we were using nodejs(and some other library, couldn't remember) to write the test cases to test the apis.

Hope these will be helpful for you.

Hi @Swapnil Raverkar - As @Zheng Yang mentioned, you can have a parent pom that triggers the deployment of many proxies or have it triggered through a Jenkins job (or jobs).

For testing, you can use apickli (Cucumber based)