Automatic API publish to portal

Hi community,

I have come to situation, when I'm using Apigee onprem with Classic UI and Drupal portal.

Now, once my API's created, gathered to Products, I now can publish them to DevPortal.

From what I read in the documentation, this done manually, e.g. you need to go to smart docs in the portal, create model, upload swagger, save, publish, and then it will be available. I found some references to people that created modules for Drupal that made this process semi-automatic. But question is - ootb there is no functionality regarding? In the cloud, you can go to Portal section and publish API from the management UI (I'm using beta-design-portal).

I've opened this topic because I din't see any actual 'official' anwser for this.

So please clarify or point some tips, because dealing with 10 clicks to post API to portal seems double work for me



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There isn't any out of the box functionality to programmatically publish to the portal, but check out the SmartDocs Services module. This module adds SmartDocs to the Drupal Services so that you can publish to the Drupal portal using an API.