Apigee support for Drupal 7 portal


We are using Apigee and Drupal 7 based developer portal hosted by Pantheon.

We know that the Apigee sponsored hosting will end May 31, 2020 and currently investigating how to continue as is with Drupal 7 Developer Portal with direct agreement with Pantheon.

This end-of-hosting have been announced at https://docs.apigee.com/release/deprecated-features

On Apigee website there are no announcements that Apigee Drupal 7 Developer Portal itself is EOL/EOS i.e. non-supported.

Is that correct?

Note: With supported I mean that the Drupal 7 Developer Portal is maintained so it works with Apigee Edge (API's) and eventual needed security fixes are implemented.

Note 2: We are aware of the Drupal 7/8 EOL at Nov 2021 but want/need to have more time to handle the migration and Apigee state that as a valid option.



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Correct, the modules that integrate D7 with Apigee Edge remain supported, though they're effectively in maintenance mode as we're investing in the D8 modules now.