Apigee is un reliable

New Member

When we post the request to Apigee without hitting our proxy we get below message.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.<br/> Please try again later.</p>

Full Message:

!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Error</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>An error occurred.</h1> <p>Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.<br/> Please try again later.</p> </body> </html>

0 4 909

Hi @ritesh1, can you be a bit more specific.

What are you trying to do?

Which Apigee are you using? (Cloud/On-Prem)

|When we post the request to Apigee without hitting our proxy

Can you post a sample request here for understanding?

Is the proxy in Apigee deployed?

If the request is not hitting proxy, of course, it gives an error.

Hi Siddharth,

This is cloud instance we are using and proxy is deployed on Apigee. We are able to hit proxy some time and rerunning the same test case using jmeter it fails and next time it goes through.

We are facing this problem for around a week.
POST data: {"password":"Pass1234567#"}
[no cookies]
Request Headers: Connection: keep-alive
grant_type: client_credentials
content-type: application/json
apikey: Gkny ... ....
Content-Length: 27
Host: ritesh-eval-test.apigee.net User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.5.3 (Java/1.8.0_151)
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Error</title> <style> body { width: 35em; margin: 0 auto; font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>An error occurred.</h1> <p>Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.<br/> Please try again later.</p> </body> </html>

This is likely caused by this incident:


Please check if the issue has been resolved.

Hi Janice,

We are still seeing this issue. It looks like the issue is not resolved.
