Apigee integration test


In my project I have developed two functions which are using ApiGee.
One function is for creating Api key, which includes creating a developer and developer app.
Other one is used for retrieving api keys by first retrieving developers, then developer's apps then app details. Library I used was google.golang.org/api/apigee/v1. 

Code is working fine I am able to use both of these functions without an error.

But is there a way to write integration tests for these functions? I was thinking about using emulator which I would start inside a test containers when tests are executing.

I have tried using apigee-emulator (https://hub.docker.com/r/google/apigee-emulator) but when I execute GET request on container I get error that default proxy was not found:  Unable to identify proxy for host: default and url: /". I presume I would need to create a proxy for that apigee running in container.

Is there a way to somehow setup everything from the code (or when starting emulator inside test container) to sucessfuly run the tests against emulator or is emulator only meant to be used only with VSCode extension?

Thank you for your response

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The Apigee emulator is for emulation of the Apigee runtime, not the Apigee Management APIs.