Apigee envoy adapter with HS512

Bronze 2
Bronze 2



I've followed following example on how to configure envoy-adapter with Apigee.




In this example RS256 is being used to generate JWT. How can I change it to use HS512?


Thanks in advance.

1 3 220

In the currently released versions of envoy adapter, the JWT validation is performed by the Envoy's jwt_authn filter, which certainly supports HS512.

However, using symmetric encryption means you probably don't want to make the jwks endpoint publicly available. If your Envoy is in a secure environment, I imagine you could supply the key directly to it. The following is some stetch.

# evaluate JWT tokens, allow_missing allows API Key also
- name: envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn
  "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtAuthentication
      issuer: issuer
        - audience
      remote_jwks: # replace this with local_jwks with embedded string or so.



Bronze 2
Bronze 2

@luwei_ge ,

Thank you. 

Excuse my ignorance. I am new to apigee and everything is new at the moment.

Apigee is on-premise.

So far I followed an example in original post, and testing in httpbin sample. Sample has generated following yamls and I have deployed in my Kubernetes.

  • apigee-envoy-adapter.yaml
  • envoyfilter-sidecar.yaml
  • httpbin.yaml
  • request-authentication.yaml


Also the example has created some API proxies in apigee. Do I need to make change in Apigee?


i.e remote-service has following


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<GenerateJWT async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Generate-VerifyKey-Token">
    <DisplayName>Generate VerifyKey Token</DisplayName>
        <Value ref="private.private_key"/>-->
        <Id ref="private.kid"/>-->
    <Issuer ref="iss"/>
    <NotBefore ref="nbf"/>
        <Claim name="client_id" ref="apikey"/>
        <Claim name="api_product_list" ref="apiProductList" type="string" array="true"/>
        <Claim name="application_name" ref="appName"/>
        <Claim name="developer_email" ref="AccessEntity.ChildNodes.Access-Developer-Info.Developer.Email"/>


Do I need to change that algorithm to HS512?

Sorry for the late response.

No you shouldn't modify this policy, which is used internal for the communication between envoy adapter and Apigee.

Is there any specific reason that you need to use HS512? If so, you will need to configure your own endpoint to supply the key for encryption/decryption. To clarify, the entire token validation process happens at Envoy (i.e. the Istio sidecar in your use case), and envoy adapter will simply receive and process decoded claims. In other words, nothing needs to be changed on Apigee side. You will need to configure the Istio sidecar to be able to take the private key to validate the token, and I am afraid I don't have much expertise to guide you there.