Apigee X Analytics discrepancy between UI and Management API output


We are comparing the message count and error count between what we see in the UI under the different views i.e. recent, timeline etc and what is returned by the management api and seeing a huge difference in counts. The count in the UI is right but not what is being returned by Management APIs. 

My understanding is that UI leverages the same management API calls for analytics to display the data

Any reasons as to why the difference will help us




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Is it single tenant or multi-tenant ? It could be Qpidd server not transferring analytics messages to PostgreSQL.

Try https://docs.apigee.com/api-platform/troubleshoot/analytics/analytics-data_stuck_qpidd & verify if it helps..

How Analytics shows data in UI:

Analytics data is generated by Message Processor and asynchronously send to Qpid.
Ingest process consumes analytics raw data from Qpid and stores it on PostgreSQL
Data on PostgresSQL is logically partitioned by organization and environment.
PostgresServer aggregates data..
MS connects to postgres & gather information for reports in UI