Apigee SOAP to Rest

I have WSDL and trying to expose a SOAP service as an API proxy.  When I follow this steps to create my Proxy . I observed,  my operation name start with reterive* then it creates the Get request but if i have operation name start with generate*  or modify* then it creates PUT and POST type request. and for POST and PUT request Apigee does not create Policies like <NAME>_build-soap and <NAME>_extract-query-param. Thought for PUT and POST it creates <NAME>_add_namespace and more. 


Wanted to know how Apigee proxy handle POST and PUT request for SOAP as there is no build_soap and extract-query-param policies?
And how Apigee determines the POST and PUT request by reading the WSDL? 

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You can find the wsdl2apigee tool that generates the proxy here

There are some rules it uses to determine PUT vs POST and so on. These are described in the "OpsMap", which is documented in the README. 

You can examine the code to answer all your other questions.