Apigee ResponseCache

Not applicable

Hi all, does anyone know if <UseResponseCacheHeaders> is still working?

I am trying to allow it to read the max-age of a HTTP header and cache the message accordingly (using ResponseCache). However, it never caches to the duration set in max-age and only uses the duration set in TimeoutInSec.

Do you know why?

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<UseResponseCacheHeaders> is still working?

As far as I know, yes, it's still working! If it is not working, then there's a bug.

I don't know why you would be seeing the results you are seeing.

One guess: if you include BOTH ExpirySettings and UseResponseCacheHeaders, then maybe the ExpirySettings/TimeoutInSec takes precedence. Unfortunately the doc does not currently describe the intended behavior when both are specified.

Did you try to simply remove TimeoutInSec ?


Looking at the implementation, it seems that if both UseResponseCacheHeaders AND ExpirySettings, then the timeout used is whichever is less. If you have TimeoutInSecs as 10 seconds and the max-age from the header says 60 seconds, then you will get a 10-second cache TTL.

Does this fit your situation?

If not, then maybe we are seeing a bug. We'd need to collect more information about that.