Apigee Org to Org Communication

Hello Team,

We have a use case where we need to communicate with Apigee proxy hosted in different Apigee organization. I will give more details about infrastructure below,

  • Company Name: CompanyA
  • Two Departments : DepatmentA and DepartmentB
  • DepartmentA has it's own Apigee Organization and same for DepartmentB.
  • All Apigee Orgs (departments) are under same GCP organization say CompanyA
  • DepartmentB's apis are available with XLB URL, also available via ILB URL
  • All departments are using there own shared VPCs, means DepartmentA has it's own shared VPC and same for DepartmentA as well.

Is there any direct mechanism if DepatmentA want to access DepartmentB's api proxy other than what I have mentioned below? 

  1. Using XLB (but traffic will go in Public Internet)
  2. Using ILB (traffic with in GCP)
  3. Private Service Connect (traffic with in GCP)


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Re #2, given that each department has their own VPC, #2 won't work on its own unless you have connectivity across these VPCs.

Re #1, while you mention "but traffic will go in public internet", if the Apigee instances are in the same region, the traffic shouldn't leave GCP. So depending on your concern, this may or may not be an issue. Do you have different APIs to expose to the internet ie external consumers compared to those used by the other Apigee org?