Apigee Ingress gateway Vs Anthos Service Mesh for Apigee Hybrid 1.8

As per link

Migrating to Apigee Ingress gateway  |  Apigee X  |  Google Cloud

Indicates " Starting in version 1.8, Apigee hybrid offers a new feature to manage the ingress gateway for your hybrid installation, Apigee ingress gateway. Anthos Service Mesh is no longer a prerequisite for hybrid installation and Apigee will stop supplying routing configuration to Anthos Service Mesh. After the upgrade, you have to migrate the traffic to the new Apigee ingress gateway gateway."

Query: Do we have any comparison of Apigee ingress gateway Vs   Anthos Service Mesh which may list advantage of using Apigee ingress gateway over Anthos Service Mesh

ASM  feature is listed in Anthos Service Mesh  |  Google Cloud but could not get much details with respect to  Apigee ingress gateway or  to compare.




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1. Anthos Service Mesh is a product of GCP which has various features among which "Ingress gateway" is one feature. Anthos Service Mesh was pre-req for Apigee hybird because hybrid required this particular feature. Apigee customer might still use Anthos Service Mesh for other mesh management related features. In that sense, Apigee Ingress Gateway is NOT a replacement for ASM. 

2. Apigee Ingress Gateway is just like another Apigee component. Eg. Cassandra. We do not list the capabilities/features of cassandra because you cannot use it outside Apigee hybrid. Hence, we have listed only the Apigee specific tasks that you can achieve with Apigee Ingress Gateway at Managing Apigee ingress gateway.

3. Because 1.8 has in-build Ingress Gateway capabilities ASM is not a pre-req for Apigee hybrid installation.

Re: "Do we have any comparison of Apigee ingress gateway Vs Anthos Service Mesh which may list advantage of using Apigee ingress gateway over Anthos Service Mesh"
Creating more content around this topic will cause confusion about if Apigee Ingress Gateway can be used as replacement for Anthos Service Mesh, which is NOT TRUE as Apigee Ingress Gateway solves a very special Apigee use-case only. However, I think we can add more content around how Apigee hybrid customer experience will enhance with Apigee Ingress Gateway. Eg. Installation is part of Apigee hybrid install, upgrades of the ingress components is taken care during Apigee hybrid upgrades, compatibility is taken care, reduces total time taken for installation.

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1. Anthos Service Mesh is a product of GCP which has various features among which "Ingress gateway" is one feature. Anthos Service Mesh was pre-req for Apigee hybird because hybrid required this particular feature. Apigee customer might still use Anthos Service Mesh for other mesh management related features. In that sense, Apigee Ingress Gateway is NOT a replacement for ASM. 

2. Apigee Ingress Gateway is just like another Apigee component. Eg. Cassandra. We do not list the capabilities/features of cassandra because you cannot use it outside Apigee hybrid. Hence, we have listed only the Apigee specific tasks that you can achieve with Apigee Ingress Gateway at Managing Apigee ingress gateway.

3. Because 1.8 has in-build Ingress Gateway capabilities ASM is not a pre-req for Apigee hybrid installation.

Re: "Do we have any comparison of Apigee ingress gateway Vs Anthos Service Mesh which may list advantage of using Apigee ingress gateway over Anthos Service Mesh"
Creating more content around this topic will cause confusion about if Apigee Ingress Gateway can be used as replacement for Anthos Service Mesh, which is NOT TRUE as Apigee Ingress Gateway solves a very special Apigee use-case only. However, I think we can add more content around how Apigee hybrid customer experience will enhance with Apigee Ingress Gateway. Eg. Installation is part of Apigee hybrid install, upgrades of the ingress components is taken care during Apigee hybrid upgrades, compatibility is taken care, reduces total time taken for installation.


I had a quick followup question. After going through the above response & reading through Apigee Hybrid documentation, I was tad confused between Apigee Ingress Gateway & Ingress Gateway.

My understanding is that they refer to the same component, but I could be wrong.

Could you please help clarify?

Here's the link 
