Apigee Hybrid Cassendra ring for different Apigee versions

 As per link Apigee hybrid supported platforms and versions  |  Apigee X  |  Google Cloud

We have use case of Apigee Hybrid runtime running in Azure and another Apigee Hybrid runtime in Datacenter (Private cluster).

Have following query

The version of Cassendra for Apigee hybrid 1.7.x and Apigee hybrid 1.8.x is same hence Cassendra ring in Azure (1.8.x) should be able to talk to Apigee Hybrid in Data center (1.7.xin private cloud) without any issue? As we understand Cassendra version (3.11.9) is same for both Apigee hybrid runtime Cassendra 1.7 and  Apigee Hybrid runtime Cassendra 1.8, without any issues.

@dino  @strebel  @rajeshmi 




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Hi @aramkrishna6, even if the Cassandra version is the same the data schema could still differ between two minor Apigee hybrid versions. Whilst in a upgrade scenario it's obviously unavoidable to run a runtime instance in a minor version of y and a upgraded runtime instance in a minor version of y+1 in parallel for the duration of the upgrade. You're advised to upgrade all runtimes of an org to the same version within a reasonable time window. 

If you want to soak test a new Apigee minor version, you might want to look at creating another org that you can use for non-prod traffic and perform the upgrades in that org earlier.

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The only addition I would like to add is that during upgrade you can have N+1 versions for short period of time but its not advisable for region expansion use cases. So even if the cassandra versions are same, there may be changes in cassandra schema and application scheme for 2 major versions of apigee release. 

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Hi @aramkrishna6, even if the Cassandra version is the same the data schema could still differ between two minor Apigee hybrid versions. Whilst in a upgrade scenario it's obviously unavoidable to run a runtime instance in a minor version of y and a upgraded runtime instance in a minor version of y+1 in parallel for the duration of the upgrade. You're advised to upgrade all runtimes of an org to the same version within a reasonable time window. 

If you want to soak test a new Apigee minor version, you might want to look at creating another org that you can use for non-prod traffic and perform the upgrades in that org earlier.

The only addition I would like to add is that during upgrade you can have N+1 versions for short period of time but its not advisable for region expansion use cases. So even if the cassandra versions are same, there may be changes in cassandra schema and application scheme for 2 major versions of apigee release.