Apigee Edge built-in roles

I am getting 404 error code with reason "Either organization does not exist or user store not initialized for {org}" while trying to fetch orgadmin users using below Management API.

curl -v -k -H "Authorization:Basic xxxxxx" https://{MS_IP:port}/v1/organizations/{org}/userroles/orgadmin/users

I am able to get organization details using: curl -v -k -H "Authorization:Basic xxxxxx" https://{MS_IP:port}/v1/organizations/

Any thoughts on this issue? I am using Apigee on-prem v4.17.01

0 7 880

Hi Mahammad,

It looks like the roles were not created during the org onboarding.

Do you have the log from the onboarding action? Are there any errors in there?

Maybe there was an issue with the LDAP component during the onboarding?

Can you delete and re-create the org?



Hi Karl, I have executed all the steps as per the below community link to delete an Organization but getting an error. Looks like it's due to the same LDAP issue.


  "code" : "usersandroles.UnableToFetchUsers",
  "message" : "Unable to fetch users",
  "contexts" : [ ],
  "cause" : {
    "message" : "[LDAP: error code 32 - No Such Object]",
    "contexts" : [ ]

The error suggests that the roles were never created. You can delete the org with the following command:

/opt/apigee/apigee-service/bin/apigee-service apigee-provision delete-org -f configFileUsedTocreateOrg

Are you able to re-create the org afterwards?

@karl.kalckstein, Same error message when I use the above command to delete org. Is there any other command to delete org without checking any dependencies?

@Mahammad Feroz it looks like you have opened a case for this. Let's work through that as we need to get some more details on what is causing the error.


I am having a similar issue, except for me only the Org Admin role was created and the rest of the built in roles were not. This is on a on-prem environment and I performed the setup using the Managment API.

Can you see why this may have happened? Is there another solution then to recreate the Organization? I read something about a script to create the roles?



Joris, I think this is a similar issue. The user roles are created by adding information to LDAP. Somehow something must have gone wrong during this step. If you have a case open, it wold be good to see the org provisioning, and ldap logs. It would also be good to know if the deletion, and recreation works for you as is was failing for @Mahammad Feroz