Apigee Developer: User does not belong to an organization. Log in as another user.

Not applicable

I have a user that I signed up for, when I try to use it to sign-in to the Apigee Developer cloud service, I get the following error:: The user xx.xx.com does not belong to an organization, Log in as another user.

can you advice on how to login to the Apigee Developer?

0 8 1,081

Not applicable

This clearly indicates that what you signed up using and trying to sign-in has some mismatch in email ids.

The username which you provides for sign up becomes your org.

Did you get access from someone for any specific org? If yes please check what email id was used to invite.

If you yourself signed up for trial version then use your username/email-id and password. I had faced this when I was invited with '.com' email id and I tried using '.co.in' domain suffix.

New Member

@Harsh Jegadesan

When you signup with Apigee, you would get an email which contains an activation link. Unless you activate your link, your account is not associated with any org on Apigee Edge platform. The email subject would be "User Account Confirmation: <your email>". This email contains a link to activate your account, follow the link and login. Once you login, you would see a page similar to the attached screenshot.

Click Activate so that your org is provisioned and then you can see your org. This takes a while when you click on "Activate".


I think you simply signed up and tried to login with that email and password you set during signup. This would result in the following error:

thanks @aghya das, I did get an email, but when I click on the link, I get the following HTTP error:

HTTP Status 500 - The template name, bad_confirmation_token, could not be resolved to a fully qualified template name

New Member

@Harsh Jegadesan thats interesting. Did you click on the email link immediately after you received the email. This can happen if the link has expired. We will look into it from our end as well.

@arghya das maybe you´re right, I did not click on it as soon as I received it. So is there anyway I can sign-in successfully now though my link was expired. BTW, even if the link has expired, there should not be a tomcat error log 🙂

I do have the same problem though I did click the activation link immediately . Can you let me know what could be the problem ?

@arghya das - Please help

@Anandhakumar Asokan , Can you logout & re-login ?