Api info from api management plane to apihub


Is there an api to get the api info get from apigee management plane to Apihub. I can do manually with the ui or calling some apis. But I need some way to get the apis from apigee to apihub automatically. Whenever a new api is developed in apigee, the api should be going to apihub automatically.


Ayan Biswas

0 6 347

It sounds like you want to trigger an update to the hub based on an API proxy deployment in Apigee?

Maybe there's a better way to do this, but rather than checking or polling the Apigee Management APIs, you could have a Cloud Logging Alert based on the apigee audit logs for API deployments, and then that could trigger a webhook that gets the API details and updates the api hub?

eg the logging filter would be something along the lines of 


Hi @dknezic 

Could you please share the documentation which you are suggesting.

Hey Ayan,

You may be interested in our experimental CLI tool for exporting Apigee proxy data from Apigee as YAML so that it can be imported it (via `registry apply`) into API Hub. It's very early for this tool and we're actively looking for feedback on it.

Check it out here: https://github.com/apigee/registry-experimental/tree/main/cmd/registry-connect

We will also be looking at more automated ways of connecting the two products, but we're looking for real-world feedback on customer intent and needs. To that end: Please let us know more about your needs!

Hi @theganyo 

Thanks for sharing. Sure will have a look and try to implement.

Another option to investigate could be EventArc, and creating a cloud function/cloud run invocation based on an event (Google Sources - Apigee), google.cloud.apigee.v1.DeploymentService.DeployApiProxy

Regular log alerts would have daily limits and may not send alerts for multiple events around the same time. So this may be more applicable.