Alert Rule PagerDuty integration key bug

It seems there is a bug with both the UI and the mgmt API when it incorrectly invalidates the "destination".

It expects a 32-character string (which is OK), but then there must be further buggy validation rules that results in a 400-error when you attempt to use a valid PagerDuty Integration Key.

The error on the UI is; "Please match the requested format"

The error via the management API is;

{"errorCode":9,"status":400,"message":"Unsuccessful request:, ResponseCode = 400\n"}

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I have found the answer - effectively I was using the wrong "Integration Key" from PagerDuty.

Using the correct Integration Key

On the PagerDuty UI;

  1. Go to the Configuration menu
  2. Go to Services (if you haven't got a service, set one up)
  3. Under the Service, click on Integrations
  4. Add a +New Integration
  5. Select "Use our API directly", and Events API v2 in the drop-down and Add Integration
  6. You will now have an Integration Key with numbers and lower-case characters.

Use that Integration Key in your Alert Rule Destination.


For those interested in the WRONG way see below;

There is also an Integration Key under the Configuration > Event Rules section. When you create a new Event Rule, you also get an Integration Key (but this time it's all upper-case). This is not the right key and won't be accepted by Apigee.

@David Freeman- thanks for contributing an answer to your own question! That helps everyone.

@Will Witman - maybe this is worth flagging in the docs?