Adding fields for App registration

Using the Saas version of Apigee, is it possible to add a field to app registration/editing.

My purpose for this is to restrict the domains from where an API Key can be used since using a key in direct from a browser makes it easily discoverable. I already have everything set up using custom attributes which I can add to an app from the admin side, but I'd like external developers to be able to set that value without my help.

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Assume you're referring Drupal dev portal -

You can navigate to `/admin/config/apigee-edge/app-settings/developer-apps/fields` URL and you can manage fields which will be as `Custom attributes` in Apps

Hi Hirenkumar, I'm not referring to the Drupal version. We only using the SaaS version, i.e. everything is on Apigee's server except our backend API code.

Hi Hirenkumar, do you have any advice for those of us using Apigee as a cloud solution?



Here are few APIs which should be helpful to manage custom attributes to Apps.